An online condition monitoring and diagnosis system is an asset management tool that will keep constant watch over your equipment, maximizing the level of plant availability and performance.

Intellinova® is a family of online condition monitoring systems where unique HD monitoring technologies and high-performance digital hardware are combined to ensure the earliest possible warning of deteriorating condition in critical assets.

Intellinova® combines complex measuring techniques and advanced data processing with a user friendly interface and an array of options for individual system customization. The result is a highly flexible, high performance system delivering easily understood condition information straight to the control room.

The system is robustly designed in every aspect. The hardware is sturdy and well suited to harsh industrial environments and long-term use. Software components have been carefully designed and selected to create a system for the future, with ample opportunities for intersystem communication.

Intellinova in different versions for different needs

Intellinova is available in various shapes and sizes. Existing hardware, space limitations and a number of other factors can influence your requirement. Therefore, there are several different solutions available - read more in the left menu.